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Laverton North

197-205 Boundary Road


09:00 - 17:00

Methionine Hydroxy Analogue

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    Product Overview

    Methionine is one of the essential amino acids for animals, which cannot be naturally synthesised in their bodies and needs to be obtained through external food intake. It is often considered as the first limiting amino acid in many animal diets, particularly for poultry and swine.

    Our product offers significant cost advantage and provides the complete functionality of dl-methionine. It can be effectively absorbed, metabolised, and utilised by animals. Additionally, it also acts as an acidifier in animal feed, reducing the need for other acidifying agents.

    Annual Capacity

    We are the second enterprise in China to achieve mass production of methionine hydroxy analogue with an output of 70,000 metric tons annually.

    Product Quality & Execution Standard

    Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Content (C5H10O3S) ≥ 88%.

    We comply with international standards and have obtained certifications including ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, FAMI-QS, Halal, Kosher and etc.

    Product Packaging

    IBC: 1,200kg
    Flexibag: 24,000kg


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