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Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash)

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    Product Overview

    Sodium carbonate is a key inorganic chemical used in the manufacturing of all glass products, lithium carbonate, ceramic glaze, and a wide range of household chemicals.

    Annual Capacity

    We are the largest producer of industrial sodium carbonate in Southwest China with an annual output of 1.3 million metric tons via Hou’s Process.

    Product Quality & Execution Standard

    Total alkali content of our light sodium carbonate ≥ 98.8% (dry basis Na2CO3).

    Total alkali content of our dense sodium carbonate ≥ 99.2% (dry basis Na2CO3).

    Implementing the national standard GB/T 210-2022 of the People’s Republic of China.

    Product Packaging

    Light sodium carbonate: 750kg, 50kg

    Dense sodium carbonate: 1200kg, 50kg


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